Geras Stormwolf
Geras is a male Au'ra Xaela with bright blue eyes and black hair with turquoise blue highlights. He has a Scar across his nose and Scales covering all the old scars and tattoos he once had. Personality wise he is a kind, caring, and respecting person but cautious as well he can be the life of the party or a simple wall flower inspecting everyone in the room even with his intimidating presence he is a softy to the ones he cares about.
Geras was born in the Azim Steppes but his village was chosen by the Garlean empire to take people from to work under them and Geras was one of them he was taken at a young age brought to do labor work later was conscripted into their military he hated the things he had to do so he tried fleeing after getting caught he was brought into a lab to be experimented on as punishment being placed in the weapons program after agonizing and strenuous torture from being cut and experimented on he managed to escape finally finding himself in Ul'dah while trying to find himself and making a new life he used his skills in the arena where he gained the nickname Stormdragon which he used as a last name because he couldn't remember his clan name during this time he was still going through difficult time and resorted to drinking to offset his paranoia that everyone was a Garlean spy that if they found him he would be taken back. As time went on he improved the skills of shooting seeing he had experience with guns from the time as a soldier to the point he became sort of a merc but more just stood up for the people he cared for with a sort of menacing presence. Geras later found a long lost love from his time in the science facility named Zeri who he cherishes deeply. Geras later came across a Miqo named Joan who he met at his old side job. After they had been together for a while she proposed to him and they became wedded. Now he works in his house on new machines and such to help others and himself as well as take care of his lovers and children.